Atomic Habits by James Clear

1% Better Everyday

Book 1 of 52 – This book reminded me of what it felt like to be a very driven individual. Every inch of advantage in the battlefield is important. We have to look for our gains in every possible corner. The opportunities are there, we just need to be mindful of them first and the get in the action.

Action Items that I’d like to start with:

  • Work – Set up regular meetings with each of my direct reports to set, measure and achieve department performance goals
  • Health – Get back into the habit of preparing exercise clothing the night before
  • Fun – Dial down on social media and read books instead
  • Family – Help keep the house clean by vacuuming the house every morning

2022 Book Challenge

New Year, New Post! One of my goals for the year is to read more books to help myself grow, learn and entertained. I am looking forward to read 52 books across 52 weeks. The last time that I did this challenge was 2015 and was meant to help me read faster and longer.

As I finish each book, I will highlight a quote or a thought that resonates with me – and then turn it into some action item. i.e. All things being equal, it’s better to know only one idea and practice it rather than know ten ideas and do nothing about it.

I’ll keep a list of the books here + in GoodReads.

Gamification Takes Time

Gamification Key Update #1

I have partitioned my team into three departments each tackling their respective operational area: test management, regression and automation team, and performance test team. We’re making great progress with the performance test team and very little on the rest. Let’s think about this for a bit.

1. Gamification Takes Time

Not just in the philosophical sense that people or the organization need to warm up to the idea, but also literal work hours to be allocated in such activity. The performance test team has made strides in their contribution to the documentation gamification and is on track to baseline its revised ways of working by the end of October 2021.

2. The Sum is Greater than the Parts

I originally intended to measure the individual performance of the team – not to pit them against each other – but to track their individual growth over time ala performance graphs.

However, I am getting more joy with a collective goal rather than individual metrics. Instead of tracking articles written by individuals, I am tracking sections in the curriculum covered by the group. Recalibrated for performance test team, now to deploy it on the other teams.

3. Beware the Call of Kaizen

The initial goal of my Gamification exercise was to standardise processes, knowledge and documents used/produced by the team. It still is but now that I have had more time to plot out the next 12 months, the vision has expanded in the form of a trilogy.

Episode 1 – Documentation of Existing Processes, Assets and IPs (We want to ensure we have a baseline understanding of what we do with what we do by the end of this year.)

Episode 2 – Business Process Reengineering (It’s a cliché term but that’s the prerequisite for any team that needs to maintain its relevance in the industry. I need to find ways to recover time not just for my customers but for my team as well by streamlining operations.)

Episode 3 – Industrial Competitiveness (Does my team stand a chance to get hired in other companies? The answer has to be yes. We can’t afford to not have industry class operations. We should have established that we are good for the current organisation in the previous episodes, this is the episode to blow things out of good proportion.)

Gamification and Team Performance

I’ve been playing video games since 1991 and have been interested in gamification for a while now. Can I make work more “fun” by adding gaming elements to our work? How can I blend management goals and improve team performance at the same time?

How about an experiment on my teams that we can review 4 weeks from now? Let’s start by defining the the opportunity areas within the team. Having a very clear goal is paramount to any project!

  • [Behavioural] Improve communication within the team and stakeholders
  • [Work] Consistency in the quality of work delivered

Day 1 (today): I’ll set up a meeting or two to kick-off and set up agreed goals, milestones and games around these topics. While I have my ideas on what and how to do, it pays to let people contribute to increase ownership.

See you in a few days for the next update!

hello, world.

I have reclaimed my domain! Will this blog be about rants? Professional research? My hobbies and interests? My way to hone my writing skills? Should I start a podcast?

There are so many possibilities but none seem to be profitable for the reader as of yet! The blogging landscape of 2006 has certainly evolved and changed over the past decade and a half. What could I possibly offer to the world that the rest of society hasn’t discussed already elsewhere in the internet? I don’t know yet or maybe that’s not the point, let’s see.